NEW! Argentina & the Chilean Fjords

  • From $8,995
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  • 14 Days
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  • 2 Countries

Glaciers & nature’s splendor

Explore the untamed landscapes of the majestic Chilean coastline. Overnight in Buenos Aires, then take a chartered flight to your ship in Ushuaia. Admire jagged peaks and looming ice shelves as you navigate channels teeming with icebergs in the Chilean fjords. Follow your team of onboard experts for an up-close encounter with blue-tinged glaciers and gain insight into Patagonian life in Puerto Chacabuco on a memorable journey through this unspoiled region.

Glaciers & nature’s splendor

Explore the untamed landscapes of the majestic Chilean coastline. Overnight in Buenos Aires, then take a chartered flight to your ship in Ushuaia. Admire jagged peaks and looming ice shelves as you navigate channels teeming with icebergs in the Chilean fjords. Follow your team of onboard experts for an up-close encounter with blue-tinged glaciers and gain insight into Patagonian life in Puerto Chacabuco on a memorable journey through this unspoiled region.

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Day by Day

To learn more about each port of call and our included as well as optional excursions, click on the individual days below.

Itinerary and shore excursions are subject to change and may vary by departure.

Map of Argentina & the Chilean Fjords
Tap the map above to zoom in